Be the change you want to see in the world.
— Mahatma Gandhi

Click the image to check out the magazine

Jeremy's media journey is humbly diverse, reflecting a passion for exploration and creativity across various platforms. From the exhilarating slopes of snowmobile and snowboard films to the quiet intimacy of crafting short stories for respected magazines and web publications, he has found fulfillment in sharing his experiences and insights with others.

Despite these accomplishments, Jeremy remains grounded, acknowledging the privilege of being able to contribute to the media landscape. His appearances on national news, radio, and podcasts are not opportunities for self-promotion, but rather occasions to humbly offer his perspectives and engage with audiences on topics close to his heart.

In reflecting on his journey thus far, Jeremy remains grateful for the opportunities he has been afforded and the connections he has made along the way. His commitment to continuous growth and learning serves as a reminder that true success is measured not only by personal achievements but also by the impact one has on others.




Click the image to listen to the podcast

Click the image to listen to the podcast

Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value
— Albert Einstein

TV and Radio

Interview with the TV show Boondock Nation.


Radio Interview Jeremy did with Michael Enright of CBC Radio Interview starts at 23.47

In studio interview with Jeremy.

In studio interview with Jeremy.


National live news brodcast with Jeremy.




Action sports movies. Snowboarding and snowmobiling.

Jeremy's involvement in movie productions is a rich tapestry of experiences, where he seamlessly transitions between roles as a guide and as the athlete being filmed.

As a guide, Jeremy shares his expertise and leadership, ensuring the smooth execution of filming processes. Whether navigating challenging terrains or coordinating complex shots, he brings a steady hand and a wealth of knowledge to the production team.

Conversely, when Jeremy steps into the spotlight as the athlete, his performances are nothing short of mesmerizing. With each turn and trick, he captivates audiences with his skill and passion, elevating the visual narrative of the film.



Jeremy has had a ton of images published over the years.




The Land of Thundering Snow

Join us as we probe the history of snow avalanches and their impact on people and nature in Canada. Through historic records, photographs, recordings and artifacts, we will explore stories of both technical success and tearful sorrow. Avalanche experts will share their experiences revealing nature’s secrets hidden within the stillness of the snowpack and the fury of a snowslide. You will go behind the front lines of avalanche safety and find an army of professionals working for everyone who lives, works, travels, or seeks leisure in avalanche country.

Click Here To Learn More


International Snow Scince Workshop

Jeremy's collaborative spirit shines through in his co-authorship of numerous papers and presentations, making impactful contributions to esteemed events such as The International Snow Science Workshop and the Canadian Avalanche Association's annual conference. His expertise extends beyond the confines of traditional academia, as evidenced by his role as a keynote speaker at various backcountry workshops, where he shares insights and innovations with fellow enthusiasts.

Jeremy's leadership and innovation are evident not only in his contributions but also in his ability to effectively communicate complex concepts. Through his knowledge and skills, he inspires others to push boundaries and strive for excellence in their respective fields.


Published Wrtitings


Teaching After Tragedy

In the aftermath of tragedy, Jeremy's decision to dedicate his life to education has garnered widespread attention. His story, featured in numerous publications, highlights his unwavering commitment to teaching and inspiring others.

Click Here To Read

Snowrider did an artical about Jeremy.

Sno Goer did a internet publication on Jeremy’s story.


Jeremy wrote a story for Get Rad Magazine.

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Bucoloco is a very popular snowboard internet page that wrote and artical on Jeremy

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
— Socrates